Evolution Running - Run Faster and Farther With Fewer Injuries

Evolution Running - Articles for Runners

Evolution Running: Letting Off the Brakes

Evolution Running Star Margie Shapiro
© 2005 by Ken Mierke

Most runners ignore technique, thinking that the way to improvement is to run more and harder miles. While this generally leads to quick improvement initially, it also causes many unnecessary injuries and premature plateaus. Our research has shown that faster runners are more efficient than slower runners. More...

The Ups and Downs of Hill Running

©2011 Ken Mierke

Imagine racing stride for stride with a runner who is just a bit stronger than you. With heart rate redlined, breathing right on the edge of being out-of-control, and legs burning, you know you won’t last much longer at this speed. The road turns downhill and you squirt forward as if propelled by a rocket-booster, gapping your stunned opponent. By the end of the downhill, you have a 20-yard lead, heart rate and breathing have returned to sustainable levels and your legs feel bouncy again. This doesn’t have to remain a fantasy. With a thorough understanding of ideal techniques for running hills, consistent concentration and a little hard work you can run faster on hills while expending less energy. More...

Creating Efficient Horizontal Propulsion © 2006 by Ken Mierke and Joe Friel

Despite what most runners and their coaches believe, technique plays an enormous role is sustained fast running. Most runners’ subscribe to one of two basic paradigms of propulsion. Unfortunately, both are flawed. One creates more upward propulsion than forward and the other isolates a relatively small, weak muscle group instead of harnessing a number of muscles to work together to produce propulsion. More...